Sunday, August 22, 2021

Some notes 2016 and 2022

In late 2015, I wrote a political observation that then leading presidential contender VP Jojo Binay’s numbers in the surveys have reached a plateau. I also asserted that if no effective intervention is carried-out, Binay’s candidacy will plummet. I also suggested the immediate institutionalization of a comprehensive organizing campaign in key areas in Luzon and the Visayas that will arrest a possible free fall in Binay’s numbers and help him regain the momentum.  My observation and recommendation were dismissed outright, and the campaign went on.

Binay leaders were tasked to gather and submit names, addresses, contact numbers and other details. The proposal to give IDs was totally ignored. Also, the suggestion to focus on local issues during campaign sorties fell on deaf ears. The “Makati model” campaign continued but soon it was ridiculed. In one community, for example, Binay told the audience, “Gagawin ko dito ang ginawa ko sa Makati. Maganda at maayos.” Then he asked, “Gusto nyo ba na maging tulad ng Makati itong lugar nyo?” The 1,000 plus audience answered, “Ayaw!” Then they laughed.

The disconnect was then complete. As projected, the Binay campaign suffered a free fall and he finished 4th in the presidential race. 

One can argue that everything “including the kitchen sink and the toilet bowl” were thrown against Binay. But very much of the same issues were also hurled against Erap in 1997-1998 and Noynoy in 2009-2010. To an extent, Gloria faced the same odds against FPJ in 2004. Erap, Gloria and Noynoy prevailed because of big parallel organizations that supported their respective presidential campaigns. 

With respect to the 2022 presidential elections, I believe it is too early to predict a possible outcome. But having said that, I think there are some wannabes who do not stand a chance at this juncture. One is closely identified to a political party and color (yellow) with an image that has been heavily-tainted with ineptitude, incompetence and corruption.

Political messaging and grassroots support will be the key factors to victory in the 2022 presidential election which will be the most expensive in the electoral history of the country.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

For the record (A note on presidential elections)

In 1986, 80% of Assemblymen, Governors, Mayors & Barangay officials campaigned for Marcos. In 1992, Mitra got the support of 75% of Congressmen & local executives including Bgy officials while Jose De Venecia had 70% of them in 1998. In 2010 and 2016, 65% to 70% of congressmen and local executives promised victory for Gibo Teodoro and Mar Roxas, respectively. 

In 2004, GMA had 80% of congressmen and local executives, and 40% of established NGOs plus several nationwide parallel organizations.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The bat, the pangolin and the rat

Invisible our enemy only one-year old
More deadlier and fiercer 
Than any army in the world.
No hands and arms nor feet 
No guns and bullets too
But can kill in a week or two.

While using men as vehicle
Inside the body they replicate
Constant havoc they can create.
They’re on your ground and in the air
Could be on your shoes or on your clothes
They ride and hide even on your hair.

I heard a story it’s made in a lab
And another one says it’s from a bat;
From the pangolin they say it’s true
But the only truth is what I will say to you
For the greater good we need the jab
So we can stop living just like a rat.


Friday, April 9, 2021

Test of Mortality

Sleeve rolled-up
Cool ethyl on cotton ball 
On arm prepares 
As needle punctures skin
Virus inactivate in lab
Ingress body awaits reaction.

Pathogens all deadly now
Surrounds environs 
Walks the earth 
Mankind as transport
Imbalance of ecology
Destruction of forests.

Wildlife disturbance,
Trafficking and poaching
Endangered nearing extinction
Nature battles back
Against man-not-so-kind
Hunter becomes hunted.

Mortality has limits
Constantly challenged science
Amidst changes earth warming
Technology and vaccination
Virulence deadlier toxicity
Mortality, a test.


Sunday, April 4, 2021

A long line, a bp struggle and a stick of cigarette

Yes, I had my first dose of the vaccine. And the experience was worth it. 

I arrived at the Pasig City vaccination site before 8am and the line was already quite long but the people were very patient and well-disciplined. The entire vaccination process took around 2 hours and 30 minutes. 

First step — Verification. One day before vaccination, the City Vaccination Team sends a text message to each qualified individual who registered at the online portal with instructions. One must bring a valid ID and Pasig City QRPass. 
The long line of more than 200 persons started to move at around 8:30am and before entering the building, I presented an ID and mentioned my name and barangay. The staff checked with their list and then another asked for my QRPass which was scanned.
Time spent: 1 hour.

Second step - Pre-screening. At the pre-screening area, some questions will be asked to verify personal details and other relevant information. 
The second line but already inside the building with big air-cooling fans to ventilate the area and chairs. I was asked to verify my full name, address, date of birth and some medical related matters.
Time spent: 30 minutes.

Third step - Screening and Check-up. Double-check on one’s medical background and maintenance medicine/s being taken. Then the temperature, oxygen level and blood pressure check-up.
Here I struggled with the bp — first at 140/90 then 140/80 and finally on the 3rd try, it was 130/80. Btw, during this step you will be given a two-page questionnaire to answer and sign. 
Time spent: 30 minutes.

Fourth step - Final interview. Just a short final interview and to advice on steps to be taken after vaccination. 
Time spent: 10 minutes
Fifth step - Vaccination. Finally, the vaccine! As I get inoculated, there was some sort of relief. The pressure was off. 
Time spent: 10 minutes.

Sixth Step - Monitoring. After vaccination check-up on temperature, oxygen-level and blood pressure.
All normal and the bp was 110/70, twice. A vaccination ID from the Pasig City LGU was given and the date of the first dose is indicated. One must bring this ID for the second dose.
Time spent: 10 minutes.

I exited the vaccination center, walked to the parking area, changed clothes, and disinfect with alcohol. Afterwards, I went to the smoking area and lit a stick. Then I drove home.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

You’ll get CoVoD-19 in these places

Finding CoViD-19.

Go to these places, talk and linger for more than an hour:

1. Air-con malls

2. Air-con bars 

3. Air-con full restaurants & buffet

4. Air-con supermarkets

You can wash your hands even for 30 minutes afterwards but if you don’t disinfect your mask, face shield, clothes, shoes, and entire body from head to toe, you will get the disease because the virus goes home with you. And there could even be a chance that the viral load may already be in your nostrils or even in your trachea. 

The so-called “minimum health protocols” of DOH are simply not enough.

Pls pass


Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Winners by Rudyard Kipling

The Winners

("The Story of the Gadsbys")

What the moral? Who rides may read.

When the night is thick and the tracks are blind

A friend at a pinch is a friend, indeed,

But a fool to wait for the laggard behind.

Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne,

He travels the fastest who travels alone.

White hands cling to the tightened rein,

Slipping the spur from the booted heel,

Tenderest voices cry " Turn again!"

Red lips tarnish the scabbarded steel,

High hopes faint on a warm hearth-stone--

He travels the fastest who travels alone.

One may fall but he falls by himself--

Falls by himself with himself to blame.

One may attain and to him is pelf--

Loot of the city in Gold or Fame.

Plunder of earth shall be all his own

Who travels the fastest and travels alone.

Wherefore the more ye be helpen-.en and stayed,

Stayed by a friend in the hour of toil,

Sing the heretical song I have made--

His be the labour and yours be the spoil.

Win by his aid and the aid disown--

He travels the fastest who travels alone!