Sunday, April 12, 2020

CoViD-19 situation — My Two Cents Worth

The doctors and nurses and health workers, and scientists have the knowledge, and have shown the courage and will to fight this virus and the disease it causes. But even the strongest will and greatest scientific knowledge available may not be enough. The virus is evolving and the race is on to find a vaccine.
In the meantime, the number of CoViD-19 positive patients recovering from the disease is increasing. In our favorite hospital, out of 163 confirmed px, 63 have been discharged, 42 were in home isolation, 6 are in ICU, 22 are in individual rooms, and 25 have succumbed to the disease. From 144 hospital personnel three weeks ago, only 55 health workers are still in quarantine, and best of all, not a single doctor, nurse or health worker has died.
These real data only mean that hospital readiness and scientific capability are among the key factors in the fight against this pandemic. The experimental drugs being used are also proven effective on a case-to-case basis. But I am talking about a well-equipped and modern private hospital. What about the public health institutions? That I don’t want to speculate.
We can only hope that science develops the serum before this pathogen becomes more virulent that it can wipe us out from the face of this space rock called Planet Earth.
We must prepare for the worst. At the same time, let us also hope for the best.
May God bless us all.

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