Monday, March 30, 2020

And next time, let’s nuke ground zero.

Many animals have their own coronaviruses.
Our dogs and cats have them but they have vaccines and it’s not transmissible to humans. Many wild animals definitely have them too.
But if mankind (man-not-so-kind) continue to slaughter or traffic them for food then we are inviting disaster upon disaster upon disaster.
If we hurdle this ongoing pandemic, the next one could be just around the corner if countries and areas will not stop their people from poaching, trafficking and consuming dogs, cats, and civets, bats, pangolins and other wild life.
The next virus could be airborne like the common cold but twice as deadly as SARS-COV-2. We can’t even find shelter in our own homes.
Let’s all pray this won’t happen but let’s also pray that people will mend their ways.
And next time, let’s nuke ground zero.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Start clinical trials

Hopefully the Philippine medical system will start to accept and use inhibitor drugs that were used and somehow worked in China, Korea, the United States and other countries.
Inhibitors are not cure to the infection but could really help patients battle the virus for 14 to 21 days. Please please please do actual clinical trials that may save lives.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Crime Against Humanity

The poaching or trafficking or sale or consumption of wildlife must be declared as a heinous crime by every nation and a Crime Against Humanity by the United Nations.

Friday, March 13, 2020

We are all vulnerable and endangered

We, humans, are a long way to extinction but are now living dangerously amid the destruction of the planet that is our own doing. Now we know how it feels to be hunted like the endangered, vulnerable and threatened animals. Now we know how it feels to be on the line to be butchered. Now we know how it feels to be cut down unceremoniously.
When this is over, let’s hope that we will learn our lesson and be more humane to our fellow creatures in this world.